Please note: the iStorage evaluation programme is designed for government bodies and corporations. Requests are subject to approval.

    Use of the product(s) is subject to the iStorage General Terms and Conditions which are available at www.istorage-uk.com/terms-and-conditions/ (except for those terms relating to payment).

    By submitting this form, you accept the following: I hereby confirm that I will take full responsibility of the mentioned product(s) for an evaluation period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt, which iStorage may extend upon mutual written agreement. At the end of the evaluation period (including authorised extended periods, if any), I shall return the stated product(s) to iStorage within ten (10) days or I may be invoiced for cost of the product(s) at their current list price. I agree to pay for any missing or damaged components and will return the product(s) with the original packaging.