The iStorage Ransomware Bundle* is the all-in-one solution to protect your data in the event of a ransomware attack.
*Available with all purchases of diskAshur2, diskAshur PRO2 and diskAshur DT2
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The iStorage Ransomware Bundle* is the all-in-one solution to protect your data in the event of a ransomware attack.
*Available with all purchases of diskAshur2, diskAshur PRO2 and diskAshur DT2
Maintaining a secure offline backup using diskAshur drives and Nero BackItUp software helps defend your business against a ransomware attack. In the event of a ransomware attack, you can quickly restore your data that could help you avoid having to pay a hefty ransom to cybercriminals. As with all iStorage devices, your data is encrypted to military standards and safe even if it is lost or stolen.
When your sensitive data is stored offline on an iStorage device, it is immediately scanned using iStorage DriveSecurity software which detects and eliminates Viruses, Spyware, Trojans, Worms, Rootkits, Adware and other security threats before they are copied to your iStorage drive for ultimate data protection.
Data is the new gold – our priority is to keep your data safe and secure. iStorage devices are certified to the highest government accreditation standards so you can rest assured that your data is in the safest hands.
The iStorage Ransomware Bundle is offered with diskAshur2, diskAshur PRO2 and diskAshur DT2 + 1 x FREE Nero Backup Licence AND 1 x FREE iStorage DriveSecurity licence
ISO9001:2015 Certified
Copyright (c) 2025 iStorage Ltd. All rights reserved.
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