Communiqués de presse
The cloudAshur Hardware Security Module is our answer to the biggest issue with the cloud, that is data security. It uses a FIPS certified randomly generated AES 256-bit encrypted encryption key, stored within a dedicated iStorage secure microprocessor, which itself is CC 4+ ready.
Our datAshur PRO²press release is featured on the news sites
KDVR Morning Television, June 2019, datAshur PRO featured in a Father’s Tech Gift Ideas section: “One of my favourite tech gift ideas” “This is the coolest USB drive I’ve seen in a long time” “Super super secure”
Infosecurity Europe, June 2019, interview with Zaia Gisso introducing cloudAshur:
IT PRO Today, June2019, cloudAshur article featuring Prof John Walker “The testing conducted against this device has gone well beyond attempting to guess the key sequence,” he said. “The core technology of all iStorage devices has also been subjected to penetration testing and attack at the lower levels of the operating stack, including physical tampering, […]
cloudAshur is our answer to the biggest issue with the cloud – data security. It uses a FIPS certified AES 256-bit encrypted encryption key, stored within a dedicated iStorage secure microprocessor
“This was the start of my introduction into their new iStorage Flagship product to secure the Cloud branded as cloudAshur – a product based on their proven hardware based hard drive systems, but in this case its application was cloud centric, and turns what are, potentially insecure Cloud environments into secure and manageable trusted storage […]