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Aug 2023 | GTX Arabia

“the latest iStorage datAshur PRO+C USB, a device that has many defense technologies that protect your data from hackers, with military-grade XTS-AES 256-bit encryption, a PIN-protected keyboard and a self-destruct feature.”

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Aug 2023 | PC Ekspert

“Everything you need to keep your data safe is here, and datAshur PRO+ C certainly has our unreserved recommendation.”

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Aug 2023 | Android News & All The Bytes

“The iStorage datAshur PRO+C has left me thoroughly impressed. It’s not every day I come across a flash drive with FIPS 140-3 Level 3 certification, advanced encryption, self-destruct capabilities, and the strength to withstand extreme conditions. It’s like having my very own Fort Knox for data!”

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Aug 2023 | iXBT.com

“Overall, iStorage datAshur PRO+C is an advanced and reliable device that combines modern technology, convenience and high data security, making it an attractive choice for users who value privacy and protection of their information.”

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Aug 2023 | Movies, Games, and Tech

“If you would want a highly protected and encrypted flash drive that is fast and durable, and easy to use, then take a closer look at the iStorage Datashur Pro+C Encrypted Flash Drive, you won’t be disappointed.”

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Aug 2023 | The Review Smith's

“If you run a business that deals with sensitive information or want to keep your personal data safe, an external hard drive is probably the best way to go. Connect it up to whatever holds the information, download, disconnect and it’s safe, instantly separated from any shared drives or internet connection. But all you’re doing really is moving it from one place to another and if anyone connects that device up again, what’s to stop them just accessing that information? That’s where this tough little beauty comes in.”

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Aug 2023 | GTX Arabia

“The DiskAshur Pro2 SSD is an external portable hard drive designed to provide the highest level of security for your sensitive data, and it is designed with advanced encryption technology that keeps your files safe from unauthorized access, in addition to other security features, and the DiskAshur Pro2 SSD also features amazing speed and durability.”

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Aug 2023 | Hamza Tech

“The Ashur DT2 12TB Storage Drive is a compact, sleek, and durable external hard drive with a design that accentuates its security features.”

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Aug 2023 | Hamza Tech

“The device is an excellent choice for individuals and organizations who need to protect sensitive data on the go, and hardware-based encryption and the built-in keyboard make it an ideal choice for securing confidential data in various industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and legal.”

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Aug 2023 | The Review Smith's

“The Diskashur has a variety of safety features built in to help prevent unauthorised access to your data.”

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Aug 2023 | Storage Review

“Overall, the iStorage diskAshur M2 comes highly recommended due to its comprehensive range of effective security features and its rugged, tamper-proof design. It certainly gives us peace of mind that our data will be safe on this portable storage solution.”

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Aug 2023 | GTX Arabia

“the latest iStorage datAshur PRO+C USB, a device that has many defense technologies that protect your data from hackers, with military-grade XTS-AES 256-bit encryption, a PIN-protected keyboard and a self-destruct feature.”

07 Aug 2023

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