diskAshur DT3

How many independent PINs can I configure and why are they useful?

You can configure 4 independent PINs:
1.  Admin PIN – This PIN alone is used to access (user manual section 4) and configure (user manual section 5) the drive.
2.  User PIN – This PIN is for drive access only and cannot be used to override Admin defined settings (user manual section 13).
3. One-Time User Recovery PIN – Useful in the event a user forgets their User PIN and uses a pre-configured Recovery PIN to set up a new User PIN and seamlessly continue to use the drive (user manual section 19).
4. Self-Destruct PIN – When entered the drive performs a crypto erase and deletes all data and PINs. This feature is disguised to unlock and behave much like the User PIN but without any data on the drive (user manual section 26).

I am trying to use the diskAshur DT3 for the first time but the LEDs are stuck on solid RED and GREEN. What do I need to do to start using the drive?

The iStorage diskAshur DT3 is supplied in the ‘Initial Shipment State’ with no pre-set Admin PIN. An 8–64-digit Admin PIN must be configured before the drive can be used. Refer to section 4 ‘First Time Use’ of the user manual or the QSG and follow the steps to configure an Admin PIN and start using the drive.

Once an Admin PIN has been successfully configured, it will then not be possible to switch the drive back to the ‘Initial Shipment State’ (solid RED and GREEN LEDs).


This is another layer of tamper-proof security that iStorage has employed to ensure that the integrity of the drive cannot been compromised during the shipment phase, from the factory into your hands without you visibly noticing the LED behaviour during First Time Use.

How do I unlock my drive using the Admin PIN?

Press the UNLOCK button then enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button again.

How do I unlock my drive using the User PIN?

Press and hold down the SHIFT & UNLOCK buttons together, while the RED, GREEN and BLUE LEDs are blinking on and off, enter your User PIN and press the UNLOCK button.

How do I enter Admin mode using the Admin PIN?

Press and hold down the UNLOCK & 1 buttons together, while the GREEN & BLUE LEDs are blinking on and off, enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button. The BLUE LED will light on solid indicating you are in Admin mode.


Note: Refer to the user manual for instructions for various drive configurations that can be applied to the diskAshur DT3 whilst in Admin mode.

How do I change the Admin PIN?

In standby state (solid RED LED), press and hold down the UNLOCK & 1 buttons together, while the GREEN & BLUE LEDs are blinking on and off, enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button. The BLUE LED will light on solid indicating you are in Admin mode.


With the drive in Admin mode (solid BLUE LED), press and hold down the UNLOCK & 2 buttons together, with the LEDs blinking GREEN and solid BLUE enter your New Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button, LEDs will switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs, re-enter your New Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button again. The LEDs will change to a solid BLUE LED indicating the Admin PIN has been successfully changed. For detailed instructions refer to section 7 of the user manual.

How do I change the User PIN in Admin mode?

In standby state (solid RED LED), press and hold down the UNLOCK & 1 buttons together, while the GREEN & BLUE LEDs are blinking on and off, enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button. The BLUE LED will light on solid indicating you are in Admin mode.


With the drive in Admin mode (solid BLUE LED), press and hold down the UNLOCK & 3 buttons together, with the LEDs blinking GREEN and solid BLUE enter your New User PIN and press the UNLOCK button, LEDs will switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs, re-enter your New User PIN and press the UNLOCK button again. The LEDs will change to a solid BLUE LED indicating the User PIN has been successfully changed. For detailed instructions refer to section 12 of the user manual.

How do I change the User PIN in User mode?

With the drive unlocked in User mode (solid GREEN LED), press and hold down the UNLOCK & 4 buttons together, while all three LEDs are blinking on and off, enter your existing User PIN and press the UNLOCK button, with the LEDs blinking GREEN and solid BLUE enter your New User PIN and press the UNLOCK button, LEDs will switch to a single GREEN LED blink and then back to blinking GREEN and solid BLUE LEDs, re-enter your New User PIN and press the UNLOCK button again. The LEDs will change to a solid GREEN LED indicating the User PIN has been successfully changed. For detailed instructions refer to section 15 of the user manual.

What should I do if I forget my Admin PIN?

Unlock with the User PIN if one exists, otherwise the drive will need to be reset in order to be re-used as described in the user manual section 37 (How to perform a complete reset). After resetting, a new Admin PIN will need to be configured (user manual section 28) and the drive initialised and formatted before it can be used (user manual section 45 or 46 or 47).


Note: Always backup your data.

Why is the RED LED on in a frozen state and will not allow me to enter my PIN?

The drive was either brute forced or reset. A new Admin PIN will need to be configured (user manual section 28) and the drive initialised and formatted before it can be used (user manual section 45 or 46 or 47).

Why do all the LEDs, RED, GREEN & BLUE light up and remain solid when I press the UNLOCK button and does not allow me to enter my Admin PIN?

Whenever you press the UNLOCK button and the RED, GREEN & BLUE LEDs light up solid, this indicates that an incorrect Admin PIN has been entered 5 (Five) consecutive times. To obtain 3 (Three) more PIN entry attempts do the following:


Press the UNLOCK button (RED, GREEN & BLUE LEDs light up) enter ‘47867243’ and press the UNLOCK button. With the GREEN & BLUE LEDs blinking on and off, enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button.


Note: The default brute force limitation for the Admin PIN is set at 10 consecutive incorrect entries broken down in 5,3,2 clusters. Refer to the user manual section 34 ‘Brute Force Hack Defence Mechanism’ for complete instructions.

Why do the RED, GREEN & BLUE LEDs blink on and off alternately when I press the UNLOCK button and does not allow me to enter my Admin PIN?

Whenever you press the UNLOCK button and the RED, GREEN & BLUE LEDs blink on and off alternately, this indicates that an incorrect Admin PIN has been entered 8 (Eight) consecutive times (5+3). To obtain 2 (Two) final PIN entry attempts do the following:


Press the UNLOCK button (RED, GREEN & BLUE LEDs blink on and off alternately) enter ‘47867243’ and press the UNLOCK button. With the GREEN & BLUE LEDs blinking on and off, enter your Admin PIN and press the UNLOCK button.

Why is my drive locking and entering standby mode (solid RED LED) whilst still connected to my PC?

Unattended Auto-Lock Timeout:

It may be that your drive has been set to timeout between 5-99 minutes when idle. To check if your drive has been set to timeout (Admin only) refer to section 31 of the user manual.

I am trying to boot from the diskAshur DT3 but it locks during the boot process, what can I do?

The diskAshur DT3 is equipped with a bootable setting which when activated will accommodate for the power cycling during a host boot process. To activate this setting, refer to section 38 of the user manual.


Note:  When the drive is set as bootable, ejecting the drive from the operating system will not force the LED to turn RED. The drive remains solid GREEN and needs to be unplugged for next time use. The default setting of the diskAshur DT3 is configured as non-bootable.

How can I update the firmware on my diskAshur DT3?

The firmware of the iStorage diskAshur DT3 cannot be modified in any way and is designed to be certified to FIPS 140-3 Level 3 standards. Additionally, the drive features a secure microprocessor certified to Common Criteria EAL5+, along with a distinctive flash lock mechanism, providing defence against potential firmware attacks on the microprocessor.


It also provides robust protection against BadUSB attacks via an innovative secure USB controller firmware protection mechanism. This guarantees the authentication of the USB controller firmware prior to any unlocking attempt, further enhancing security measures.