
Certifications explained


  • IPS 140-2: The Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2 is a US government computer security standard which defines the level of security and to approve cryptographic modules, with:
    • Level 1 providing the lowest level of security
    • Level 2 showing evidence of tampering features including tamper-evident coatings or seals.
    • Level 3 – in addition to the tamper-evident physical security mechanisms required at Security Level 2, Level 3 attempts to prevent the intruder from gaining access to critical security parameters (CSPs)


  • NCSC CPA Certification: The prestigious National Cyber Security Centre Commercial Product Assurance (NCSC CPA) certification evaluates the commercial off-the-shelf products, and their developers, against published security and development standards. iStorage was awarded the Foundation Grade certification where iStorage products have proven to demonstrate good commercial security practice.


  • NLNCSA BSPA Certification: iStorage products successfully went through the Baseline Security Product Assessment (BSPA) as a pilot assessment managed by the Netherlands National Communications Security Agency (NLNCSA), which is part of the Netherlands General Intelligence and Security Agency. The BSPA scheme provides vendors the opportunity to have their IT security products assessed independently by licensed evaluation laboratories, whilst NLNCSA provide independent confirmation that products meet their criteria before issuing a deployment agency.
  • Officially certified to NATO Restricted Level – iStorage products are included in the NATO Information Assurance Product Catalogue (NIACP) which provides NATO nationals, NATO civil and military bodies with a catalogue of Information Assurance (IA) products that are available for procurement to meet operational requirements.